Frequently Asked Questions

​Does my child need to be baptised Catholic to attend?​ 

​No, we are an inclusive community committ​ed​ to your child's holistic education.​

Absenteeism (Student)

​In the event of a child being absent from school, parents must notify the school via the Parent Portal before 8.40am - the Roll is marked electronically at 8.45am. In the Portal, click ‘Report Student Absence’, fill out the form and hit ‘submit’. Alternatively, you can call the school to notify them of a student absence. The School Office will try to contact parents after 9:30 a.m. if after roll call a child is absent and no call has been received from a parent.

After Hours Use of the School

School finishes at 3.00pm. The building and grounds cannot be used after school except with the permission of the Principal. The Principal needs to be informed and grant permission for those who wish to take student activities after school using school grounds, rooms or resources.

As Out of Hours School Care must have sole use of certain areas after school it is vital that permission be sought for use of any school facilities.


At 2:10 pm each second Monday (even weeks of term),  a school assembly is held in The Bolton Centre. The assembly is led by the Student Council with each class rostered to present a Life Skill each fortnight. These assemblies normally conclude by 2:55 pm at the latest. Children are dismissed from the Bolton Centre by this time. 

Family Records

It is imperative that Family Records supplied to the school be kept up to date. Any changes in required details are to completed through the Parent Portal. 


The Tuckshop operates each Friday of the school week and is run on a volunteer basis by the P&F.


All visitors, including parents, must report to the School Office and sign in. (Note: Parents who are delivering or picking up their child from school for appointments, must call in to the Office to sign their child in/out). All visitors must sign out before departure.​​​​​